The curriculum is divided into three terms, each term is to be completed within three months followed by unit tests/quarterly/Half Yearly tests. Annual examinations are conducted at the end of the session. Examination Pattern for classes IX th & XI th is as per M.P. Board Guidelines. The unit tests of all the classes will commence from 26th of each month. The medium of instructions is English, Other major Subjects taught are English, Physics, Chemistry, Commerce, Maths, Biology, Science, Social Science & G.K., Arts The concepts of objective and nature of syllabus may be changed at the behest of State Government. The School has separate laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Each laboratory is well equipped with all the required instruments and apparatus. All the modern tools and technique of education have been employed and training is also imparted side by side to promote interest in hobbies, games, music, art and crafts. Besides this every conceivable cocurricular activities will form an integral part of the curriculum. School has arranged every mode of teaching as ordinary teaching as well as audio visual teaching. School provides smart class for audio-visual teaching that is more effective than ordinary teaching. In these classes well designed chap available for string operation of subject.
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